
Northern Lights and The Pleiades

Northern Lights and The Pleiades

The Northern lights made a beautiful appearance over The Purcell Mountains in early August while photographing the Pleiades star cluster through my telescope

Northern Lights and The Pleiades

The Northern lights made a beautiful appearance over The Purcell Mountains in early August while photographing the Pleiades star cluster through my telescope

Saw-Whet Owl

Saw-Whet Owl


Saw-Whet Owl


An Amazing Two Weeks In the Bella Coola Fjord

An Amazing Two Weeks In the Bella Coola Fjord

I think I left my heart in Bella Coola, such a spiritual two weeks. More photos to come in following weeks and will be adding more products and photos to...

An Amazing Two Weeks In the Bella Coola Fjord

I think I left my heart in Bella Coola, such a spiritual two weeks. More photos to come in following weeks and will be adding more products and photos to...

Kokanee Salmon Run/ Kootenay Lake, BC

Kokanee Salmon Run/ Kootenay Lake, BC

A very healthy looking run this year compared to previous years

Kokanee Salmon Run/ Kootenay Lake, BC

A very healthy looking run this year compared to previous years

Perseid Meteor Shower and Recent Astrophotography Work

Perseid Meteor Shower and Recent Astrophotograp...

Perseid meteors and star trails over Castlegar and a few milkyway shots from Idaho Peak.

Perseid Meteor Shower and Recent Astrophotograp...

Perseid meteors and star trails over Castlegar and a few milkyway shots from Idaho Peak.

Enlightening Weekend on MT Stanley, BC West Kootenays

Enlightening Weekend on MT Stanley, BC West Koo...

Expressing my perceptions of the universe on Mt Stanley West Kootenays.‪#‎Kootenays‬ ‪#‎BeautifulBC‬ ‪#‎BritishColumbia‬ ‪#‎BCtourism‬ ‪#‎mountainlife‬‪#‎explorebc‬ ‪#‎Canada‬

Enlightening Weekend on MT Stanley, BC West Koo...

Expressing my perceptions of the universe on Mt Stanley West Kootenays.‪#‎Kootenays‬ ‪#‎BeautifulBC‬ ‪#‎BritishColumbia‬ ‪#‎BCtourism‬ ‪#‎mountainlife‬‪#‎explorebc‬ ‪#‎Canada‬