
Northern Lights and The Pleiades
The Northern lights made a beautiful appearance over The Purcell Mountains in early August while photographing the Pleiades star cluster through my telescope
Northern Lights and The Pleiades
The Northern lights made a beautiful appearance over The Purcell Mountains in early August while photographing the Pleiades star cluster through my telescope

An Amazing Two Weeks In the Bella Coola Fjord
I think I left my heart in Bella Coola, such a spiritual two weeks. More photos to come in following weeks and will be adding more products and photos to...
An Amazing Two Weeks In the Bella Coola Fjord
I think I left my heart in Bella Coola, such a spiritual two weeks. More photos to come in following weeks and will be adding more products and photos to...

Kokanee Salmon Run/ Kootenay Lake, BC
A very healthy looking run this year compared to previous years
Kokanee Salmon Run/ Kootenay Lake, BC
A very healthy looking run this year compared to previous years

Perseid Meteor Shower and Recent Astrophotograp...
Perseid meteors and star trails over Castlegar and a few milkyway shots from Idaho Peak.
Perseid Meteor Shower and Recent Astrophotograp...
Perseid meteors and star trails over Castlegar and a few milkyway shots from Idaho Peak.

Enlightening Weekend on MT Stanley, BC West Koo...
Expressing my perceptions of the universe on Mt Stanley West Kootenays.#Kootenays #BeautifulBC #BritishColumbia #BCtourism #mountainlife#explorebc #Canada
Enlightening Weekend on MT Stanley, BC West Koo...
Expressing my perceptions of the universe on Mt Stanley West Kootenays.#Kootenays #BeautifulBC #BritishColumbia #BCtourism #mountainlife#explorebc #Canada